Kenyon Building

301 Grand

Built in 1907

Housed the Kenyon Printing Company, maps, some books and “advertising novelties.”

The original building had another arched doorway at the SE corner at 3rd and Grand.

In 1935 it was converted into an auto repair garage

The building was “cut back” at the corner of 3rd and grand to allow for creation of ramps and garage doors to allow cars to come into each level of the building.

In the 1946 Gabus-Holmes had the showroom added.

1948 the Tucker Automobile was displayed for only a few days. (Children of the folks that owned the auto dealership at that time have said the Tucker was such a short-lived idea it never really made it into the showroom.)

The building was converted in to a parking garage in the mid-late 1980’s.

A fire in the mid 1990’s caused extensive damage; the building was vacant several years.

Kent Mauck, Hon AIA – local graphic designer, purchased the building, saving the building from becoming a parking lot.

RDG Planning and Design – designed their offices for the building and occupied the Kenyon building in November 2001.