High Life Lounge / El Bait Shop (Towers Transfer Building)

200 SW 2nd Streeet

The location of the present building has housed a number of businesses since 1875. Businesses included:

  • 1875 – James Dorsey’s flour and feed store
  • 1880 – The Emmet, a boarding house/hotel
  • 1891 – The Musgrave Fencing Company
  • From the 1900’s to the 1940’s there were a variety of business located here.

Current building built in 1965 by the Towers Transfer Company for use as an office or warehouse and has housed a wholesale furniture and carpet company and a toothbrush manufacturer.

After a renovation in 2004 the High Life Lounge opened in the spring of 2005 followed by El Bait Shop in the spring of 2006.