Hammer Pharmacy (Hammer Block)

600 East Grand

Built in 1899 for H. Seymour Johnson as an investment property.

The first tenant was Hast Meat Market in 602 (east half); which operated until 1958.

Hammer Pharmacy moved in to 600 (west half) in January 1900; Alfred Hammer started the pharmacy in 1874.

The pharmacy once sold Stolz Eletrophone Co. hearing instruments from 1907 to WW1; notice the ghost sign.

In 1956 the front elevation of the building covered with an aluminum skin and 1962 the rest was covered.

Hammer Pharmacy still uses its original phone number – CHerry 3-4177 or 243-4177.

In the late 1950’s Dr. Stanley Griffin (one of 1st Black Physicians in the state) moved into 602. His wife was Edna Griffin, civil rights advocate; who was arrested at the Katz Drug Store food counter and resulting lawsuit required all business to serve everyone equally.

In 2007, Wm. Dodds, who leased the second floor discussed, having the building listed as a historical landmark and purchased the building giving Hammer Medical a long term lease for continued use.

Landmark status was not awarded but the renovation was completed in 2012.