Elliott Furniture Company (Newlen Block)

Elliott Furniture Co. Building (Newlen Block) – 424 East Locust Street

Built in 1891 for Gustav Newlen, an undertaker/cabinet maker

NRHP 2014 – under review

The Elliott family bought the building in 1899 and renovated the two buildings into a single unified façade and the Elliott Anderson Furniture Company moved in. This renovation encouraged the two neighboring buildings to the east to renovate their facades similar to the Newlen building. (Adolph Anderson started his own competing furniture store in the Studio Block (1911-1961.)

Elliott Furniture Company renovated the front façade in 1936 stripping away the 1899 renovations; installing large display windows on both floors. In 1940 additional renovations where made to reflect a new style – Art Moderne using glazed ivory brick with beige fluted Terra Cotta pilasters. Elliott Furniture closed in 1959 with the advent of mall shopping areas in the suburbs.